Thursday, October 6, 2011

Talk About Procrastination

OK, anyone who knows me knows I procrastinate a lot. And by a lot I mean a LOT. I'm procrastinating as I write this. I should be doing homework. Luckily it's really easy. I'll do it when I'm done with this.

The thing is, I don't especially want to procrastinate so much. It's just, I need music to do anything productive, but to listen to music I need my computer, and when I have the YouTube tab up, I'll have other stuff sitting there as well. Stuff like TV Tropes. For example: as I'm writing this, I have a tab with the song Akai Namida up, one with my Gmail, one with a forum I'm a member of, one with Anime Lyrics dot com, One with DeviantArt, three with TV Tropes, and the tab with Blogger. TV Tropes, the forum, and DeviantArt are all sites that you can spend hours on without realising it. But I don't close the tabs for various reasons (I need TV Tropes open for a project, I want to make sure I don't miss anything on the forum, and I'm waiting to see if anyone actually looks at my DeviantArt).

This is not something I should be doing on a night when I don't get home till past six o'clock.

Speaking of my homework, picture this: You find out that the next topic in whichever subject is about reading and writing for you is one you really really enjoy. For example, describing. But then once you actually get into it, they aren't really teaching the things you like about it. Back to the describing example. I like to write, so I was really excited when I found out we were studying that. But then it got ridiculous.

We started with describing people. First off, we're only describing appearances, not personalities and such. Which really got to me, because that's one of the things I really like to write about. I think my teacher (we'll call her Mrs. K) even said once, "You can only really describe the appearances." WHAT. Unless I misunderstood, (which I may have since this was in German which is not my native language) Mrs. K, who I respect a lot, said something completely insane. Continuing the ridiculousness, our descriptions aren't colourful at all. we have to follow a specific formula: left to right, top to bottom. We aren't allowed to bring out feelings into it at all.

Then we moved on to describing pictures. This is sort of the closest we got to describing scenery. But the thing is, Mrs. K didn't even teach us any of this. We just did some things from our book. This made me kind of sad, because I love writing about scenery.

Next things: describing stories. I thought this might be interesting, and that maybe we'd get to do a book review or something. Papa says that I'd be good at those. But no, we must make this as boring as possible. First they had us look for a bunch of metaphors. We spent about a month on metaphors last year. At the end of last year. We do not need to review it yet. And then when we got to actually describing stuff, they just had us describe the characters instead of the story. Which is very similar to what we were doing up there with the people descriptions, ne? No book reviews either. ;.;

And we're taking a test about this soon. How the lobster am I supposed to do well on this if it bores my rather creatively inclined mind. GAH. >.<

How/What the lobster is a phrase I came up with which is a shortened version of how/what the hairy white lobster with a garden on its back. Such a thing actually exists, by the way. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. why the hairy white lobster with a garden on its back did you shorten it?
